Saturday, April 19, 2008

3D ultrasound pictures

On April 2nd Crystal went in for her second ultrasound. All the nurse could say was, "he sure is going to be a big baby. At week 29 the head is already 8cm and projected weight is 3lb12oz. Plus, he isn't very tall so I went ahead and shopped at the local bowling alley for a bowling bag to put the baby in. Also that same week we started to potty train Kat. She struggle the first day and then did good. She would hold it in at school until Crystal would show up and then she would go. But, that was two weeks ago and she is back to getting lazy and will pee in her pants. She still is holding in the poo. It slowly will pull it turtle head out and stain the panties and then she gets mad and will sit on the toilet but will not go. We finally put a pull-up on her and she went. The smell was not so good and there was a lot of it. Here is a statement about the diaper %*##@ WOW!.


Heather said...

That is disgusting! I am not looking forward to training Creed. He sure isn't interested. He tells me when the baby comes he will. We shall see. Baby Stuey looks cute!